Title IX Defense Attorney In Houston, Texas
Allegations of sexual misconduct or harassment in the educational context can have a big impact on your future. Whether you’re a student, staff member, teacher or faculty member, you have a lot on the line. You may face suspension, expulsion, loss of your job and other harsh consequences.
Fortunately, you have the right to due process, and that includes the right to hire a lawyer. At the Law Offices of Charles T. Ganz, you can start building a highly skilled defense against Title IX violations, including false Title IX claims. I’m Charles Ganz, a criminal defense attorney and Title IX lawyer in Houston with decades of experience handling high-stakes, sensitive cases. I know how shattering it is to face allegations of sexual misconduct. I will work tirelessly to fight for a positive outcome that exonerates you or mitigates the impact on your life and future.
What Is Title IX And What It Means If You Are Accused Of A Title IX Violation
Title IX is a federal law that protects individuals from sexual harassment and sexual misconduct at educational institutions that receive federal funding. Accusations of a Title IX violation can trigger a formal investigation by the educational institution, which typically involves an initial assessment, a detailed investigation and possibly a hearing.
Throughout this process, you have rights, including:
- The right to be informed of the allegations
- The right to have a lawyer represent you
- The right to gather evidence and call witnesses
- The right to present a defense before an impartial decision-maker who is trained to handle these proceedings
The consequences of a Title IX violation can be severe. It’s crucial to take college sexual misconduct allegations seriously and seek legal guidance as soon as possible. Early intervention with the help of a lawyer such as myself can potentially spare you from burdensome proceedings and harsh consequences.
Latest Regulations On Sex Discrimination
The U.S. Department of Education released its final form of Title IX regulations in April 2024. These updates provide clarity on what “hostile environment harassment” means in the context of sexual harassment at a school or university. This type of sex-based discrimination involves harassing conduct that is severe or pervasive. Understanding these terms is vital:
- Severe: Serious enough to interfere significantly with victims’ educational opportunities, even if it’s just one occurrence
- Pervasive: Widespread harassment that occurs frequently enough to interfere with the victims’ educational opportunities
The final regulations also clarify that sex-based discrimination encompasses harassment or unequal treatment on the basis of traits such as:
- Sex
- Gender identity
- Stereotypes or characteristics related to sex or gender identity
- Pregnancy
- Sexual orientation
The final regulations relating to school athletics are still pending.
Defending Against Title IX Reports
When you’re reported for a Title IX violation, you will face an investigatory process and further proceedings conducted by the educational institution. Schools that receive federal funding – including K-12 schools as well as prominent colleges in our area like the University of Houston and Rice University – must handle these reports under procedures established in accordance with federal law. These procedures may involve:
- Formal notification of the report against you
- Issuance of temporary no-contact orders
- A formal investigation, interviews and evidence-gathering
- Issuance of an investigation report with recommendations for alternative resolution or a formal hearing
- A hearing before a trained, impartial decision-maker, where you can make your case and contest the evidence against you
- Issuance of findings (results) and further no-contact orders, if warranted
- Opportunities for appeal
Hearings aren’t necessarily required in every Title IX case. Regardless, these proceedings can be lengthy, lasting many months or even a year. You might have a better chance at a positive outcome through informal resolution rather than formal proceedings. This avenue involves structured negotiations with the aim of reaching an agreed-upon outcome. I can advise you about this option and whether it’s a good fit for your situation. I can represent you in both formal and informal proceedings, protecting your rights, advising you of your options, and making your case in a skilled, strategic manner.
Avoiding Potential Consequences Of Title IX Accusations
The consequences of a Title IX accusation can be severe, impacting your education, reputation and career. Depending on the nature of the violation, and whether you’re a teacher or student, potential penalties might include:
- A warning
- A notation on your academic record
- Probation
- Suspension
- Expulsion
- No-contact orders against you
- Loss of your ability to participate in extracurricular activities, including athletics
- Loss of your ability to reside in student housing, or relocation to different housing
- Loss of scholarships
- Loss of tenure
- Loss of your job as a teacher or staff member
Each of these penalties could influence your reputation, future employment opportunities and academic pursuits, which is why a strong defense from a skilled Title IX lawyer is crucial. I can help you find the strongest angle for challenging the allegations and avoiding or minimizing any penalties. I can also fiercely represent you in any criminal proceedings that result from allegations of sexual misconduct that rise to the level of a sex offense.
Frequently Asked Questions About Title IX Defense
Below are answers to some of the most common questions I hear regarding Title IX accusations and the defense process:
What happens when you’re accused of a Title IX violation?
You will receive a formal notification and may face temporary measures such as no-contact orders. The institution will investigate by conducting interviews and gathering evidence, often followed by a hearing. Legal representation is crucial for protecting your rights during this process.
The investigation may impact your daily life, and academic or professional standing. Reactions from your peers and colleagues can range from support to judgment or intolerance. It is important to push past any negative reactions and focus on your defense. Avoiding public discussions is also wise to prevent additional complications.
In a Title IX process, you have important rights. You must be informed of the allegations against you and have the right to seek legal representation. You are allowed to gather, and present evidence and call witnesses in your defense. Your case should be kept confidential, and you are entitled to a fair hearing by an impartial decision-maker.
Due process violations can occur if procedures are not followed or upon a rights violation, such as inadequate notice or an unfair decision-maker. Making sure that due process is respected is crucial to challenging unjust or biased treatment in your case.
What should you do if your college student is accused of a Title IX violation?
Support your child emotionally and make sure they get legal guidance and representation. Help them understand the situation and urge them to work with their attorney. Your support can be crucial in helping them cope and minimize the impact on their academic and personal lives.
What are Title IX defense strategies?
Institutions have the burden of proof in Title IX cases. An effective defense strategy should focus on challenging the institution’s evidence or proof. This involves presenting counterevidence, questioning witnesses and highlighting procedural errors. A lawyer can tailor these and other strategies to your case for the best chance of success.
Benefit From My Award-Winning Experience And In-Depth Knowledge
Protecting yourself in the face of a Title IX accusation requires a knowledgeable and dedicated defense attorney who understands both the law and its recent changes. I have the knowledge and experience you need during this critical time. I’ve earned many awards for my work on behalf of those facing serious allegations across Texas. My approach is hands-on – I will personally manage all aspects of your case, and you will get direct access to me throughout your case. Protecting your future is my priority.
Start today by calling 713-364-0953 or sending me an email. You can expect me to uphold the highest levels of confidentiality.