Always Honest. Always Accessible.

Charles T. Ganz

Trust experience when defending against domestic violence charges

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2022 | Battery And Domestic Violence, Criminal Defense

When Texas residents are charged with domestic violence offenses, there is no doubt that a certain “stigma” comes with the charges. Yes, in our country, every defendant is supposed to have the benefit of being considered “innocent until proven guilty,” but the fact is that innocence is hardly what most people think of when they see that a person has been arrested on domestic violence charges. When it comes to defending against these types of criminal charges, Texas residents should trust the experience of those who have handled these types of cases before.

First and foremost, defendants need to have someone to whom they can tell their side of the story. Family dynamics and complications—which are often at the heart of domestic violence cases—are difficult to understand sometimes, and even more difficult to talk about. Finding a trusted advocate who will take the time to listen to your side of the case is crucial.

Next, it’s not only your freedom that is on the line—it is your personal and professional reputation as well. You might lose your job, or lose the trust of relatives and friends. You might feel like you’re all on your own when you are facing domestic violence charges. At times like those, it is important to have an experienced advocate by your side.

Our experience counts

At our law firm, we know how difficult it is for Texas residents to plan an assertive defense to domestic violence charges. However, we have handled many of these types of cases and we work hard to make sure our clients have the right information to make the important decisions in the case. For more information, please visit the domestic violence overview section of our law firm’s website.
