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Charles T. Ganz

Texas considers decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana

On Behalf of | Feb 23, 2022 | Drug Crimes

Many states have voted to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and the person who possesses the marijuana will not face any consequence within that limit. However, some states are not in agreement. In Austin, Texas, the perspective of the local government is that the jails should not be populated by people convicted of low-level drug offenses. However, state law does not yet embrace that approach.

However, numerous Texas voters feel that the laws governing marijuana possession are too strict and they may vote to decriminalize marijuana this spring. If a new law is passed, the police would not be allowed to issue summonses or arrest people on marijuana charges unless those charges are accompanied by more severe charges.

Already in practice to some extent

In many situations, police officers do not issue summonses or arrest people for marijuana possession in small amounts. However, until now, it has not been the law. However, until the law is passed and it is official, law enforcement officers can still write tickets and arrest people for marijuana possession, no matter the amount.

Activists say that the harsh marijuana laws in Texas are unfair and potentially waste jail space when it should be used for people who have committed much more serious crimes. Charges of this type are on the decline. From 2016 to 2020, the amount of misdemeanor charges for marijuana possession have decreased by 59% because many prosecutors who are trying such cases have made those cases a much lower priority.

A strong defense

When it comes to marijuana possession in Texas, the laws are very harsh. Whatever the amount, if you are in possession, you have the potential to be incarcerated on a felony charge. If you find yourself in such a situation, solid legal advice from a lawyer who has expertise in drug crimes can prove to be invaluable to your case.

No matter what, it is essential that you safeguard your rights and your freedom. Before you can protect your rights; however, you must understand what your rights are. If you aren’t sure, it may be wise not to say anything until you consult with a lawyer so that you receive counsel that makes the most sense in your particular situation and so you are treated fairly.
