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Charles T. Ganz

The different ways a person can be abused

On Behalf of | Jan 7, 2019 | Assault, Battery And Domestic Violence

A person in Texas or anywhere else does not need to be physically harmed to be the victim of domestic violence. It is possible for an individual to be abused sexually, financially or emotionally as well. It is important to note that a person does not need to experience a major injury to be a victim of physical abuse. Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse may be difficult for a person to recognize.

A victim of emotional abuse may be the subject of constant criticism, and the goal of such behavior is to make a person question his or her self-worth. Generally speaking, it must be combined with some other sort of abuse to be considered domestic violence unless the behavior is particularly severe. Psychological abuse describes almost any action that causes individuals to fear for their safety. This may include not being able to leave the house or talk to friends or family members without permission.

Financial abusers aim to control their victims by limiting their access to money. In some cases, a victim is not allowed to get a job or pursue an education in an effort to increase his or her earning potential. Financial abuse may be more likely to occur when accounts are controlled by one partner. As with emotional abuse, financial abuse may be difficult for a victim to recognize.

A person who is charged with any form of assault, battery or domestic violence may face a number of negative consequences. Even if an individual is not convicted of the crime, he or she may still lose credibility as a professional or experience strained personal relationships. However, an attorney may be able to take steps to have a charge dropped, and it may be possible to have a domestic violence charge sealed or expunged as well.
