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Charles T. Ganz

Houston residents arrested with enough fentanyl to “kill everyone in Toledo”

On Behalf of | Apr 12, 2018 | Drug Crimes

If you drive northeast of Houston for a full night and a full day – 24 hours straight – you will find yourself in Toledo, Ohio. The city sits at the western end of Lake Erie – a nice enough spot, but probably not high on the vacation destination list for most of us in this corner of Texas.

Houston and Toledo were recently linked in a Chronicle news story about three Houston residents recently arrested on serious drug charges in Toledo. The three face federal charges of possession with intent to distribute controlled substances. According to law enforcement officials, the three recently tried to ship a kilo of the powerful opioid fentanyl through the post office.

The trio – two men (ages 32 and 29) and a woman (21 years old) – allegedly wrapped the kilo of the powerful anesthetic in several heat-sealed plastic packages that the older man and the woman then took to a post office.

The news article does not detail how federal law enforcement officials or postal workers came to suspect that the packages contained fentanyl. The Chronicle does state, however, that the packages tested positive for the drug.

Federal officers traced the packages from the post office to a hotel to the man and woman accused of mailing it. A search of the hotel room where they were staying allegedly resulted in discovery of another half-kilo of the drug.

A federal prosecutor said the amount of fentanyl seized “is enough to kill everyone in Toledo several times over.” Toledo has a population of about 290,000.

Anyone facing a drug-crime charge should speak with a criminal defense attorney before talking to a prosecutor who wants to put you away. Contact our office for more information about your legal options.
