Driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges in Texas can include drivers who are accused of being under the influence of drugs, including of prescription drugs. It is helpful for any driver accused of a DWI drugs to be familiar with what is considered drugged driving and what the potential consequences of drugged driving charges are.
What is drugged DWI?
A driver may be accused of drugged driving if they are pulled over in a traffic stop but a breathalyzer test shows that they are not under the influence of alcohol. Impairment due to drugs can include impairment related to the use of illegal non-prescription drugs and prescription drugs. If the breath test conducted by the police officer on the driver does not reveal alcohol-related impairment, the driver may be evaluated for signs of being under the influence of drugs. If the driver is determined to be under the influence of drugs, they may be charged with drugged driving.
What are the potential consequences of drugged driving?
The potential consequences of drugged driving charges can be the same as DWI charges for driving while under the influence of alcohol. This means accused drivers can face fines, possible jail time and may also face losing their driver’s license for a drug DWI. Accused drivers who find themselves in this situation should be familiar with criminal defense options and know how to fight the accusations they are facing. Because drugged driving charges need to be taken seriously, accused drivers should know how to respond and should never take them lightly.